Studying Effectively
Note Taking Tips
- Notes help you remember information
- Find a method that works for you; here is a sampling of note taking methods
(see the Reference section for more on note taking methods)
- Read the textbook and course readings slowly, before class
- Listen actively in class
- Don't rely on the instructor's presentation notes
- If you don't understand something, ask questions
- Participate in class discussions
- Talk to your teacher
- Keep your notes simple
- Use keywords and very short sentences
- Use white space to separate major ideas
- Use abbreviations and/or symbols in place of sentences
- Colour-code using different pens, pencils, highlighter, post-it notes, etc.
- Use only one side of the paper
- Focus on key concepts
- Anything the instructor says you need to know or will be on a test
- Anything repeated
- Anything emphasized (example: has a PowerPoint slide, is written on the board)
- Relationships between ideas
- Paraphrase in your own words
- Write only enough to trigger memories
- Rewrite, organize, clarify, and expand your notes after classOrganize your class notes; keeping an organized notebook improves grades
- Use a three-ring binder - one for each course
- Relate concepts to concrete, real-life examples
- Combine text and images