Gradebook Setup Guide

Letter Grades and Grade Scale Settings

Because each program has different grade boundaries for their letter grades, letter grades must be set up for each individual course.

  1. Start with Course Administration

  2. Open the Course Outline and find the Course Grades.  This is where the percentage boundaries for letter grades are detailed:

    Letter grade boundaries from a course outline

  3. Click on the Gradebook Setup, then the Letters tab:
    • If the Lowest/Highest percentages match the Course Grades, then nothing further needs done
    • If the Lowest/Highest percentages don't match the Course Grades, then click Edit Grade Letters
      Open Grade Letters to review
  4. Select/Check Override Site Defaults
  5. Starting at the top of the table, enter the lowest number from the Course Outline Course Grade Table beside each letter. Use "0" next to your lowest grade letter.Displays course grade boundaries as established by the Course OutlineEdit grade letter settings
  6. Save Changes

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