Updating Your Newly Restored Course - START HERE

Site: College of the Rockies - Online
Course: COTROnline Faculty Help Manual
Book: Updating Your Newly Restored Course - START HERE
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Date: Wednesday, 22 January 2025, 4:08 PM


Last update Nov 2023


This book walks you through the essentials for every COTROnline course homepage.


You can download a PDF Checklist to ensure you have covered all the basic settings and content elements.

  • The Course Restore Process
  • Course settings
    • Essentials
      • Title and Course Short Name
      • Start and End Date
      • Course Description and Image
      • Sections and Format Structure including show/hide function
      • Hide/Show Settings
  • Course welcome
    • Course Outline Link
    • Announcements Forum
    • Instructor information
    • Course syllabus and other important information
  • UDL Template and Accessibility
    • Student help resources
    • Layout options
  • Gradebook Essentials
    • Check Gradebook Categories
    • Check Category Totals
    • Include Empty Grades
  • Other Settings
    • Groups and Groupings
    • Completion Tracking
  • Blocks
    • Meet your instructor

The Course Restoring Process

Why Restore Courses?

A new course shell needs to be provided for every offering of a course in order to filter the current registered students into the correct semester and course offering. 

2 months before a semester start, the COTROnline Team begins restoring your previous course offering into a new course shell so that you can work with your previously created content, activities and assessments.

The current default process is to directly copy the previous semester course (ie. Winter 2023) that matches both the instructor and course sections into the coming semester (ie. Winter 2024). 

That is:

  • Same course code and section combinations,
  • Offered by the same instructor,
  • In the same semester from the year before (ie. Winter 2023),
  • Applying the same start date in the coming semester (based on a Monday start, ie. Mon Jan 01)


[ ABCD123, J. Doe, Winter 2024, OL02 and OL03, start Dec 25 ]

copied from

[ ABCD123, J. Doe, Winter 2023, OL02+OL03, start Dec 26 ]

You can choose to restore a different course for the upcoming semester. For example, you can have a course from 2+ years prior restored, or a course from a pre-existing 'Master' file.

To request a different course restore, you can reach out to the COTROnline eLearning team directly or there is usually a form provided via email that you can fill out each semester.

What if I want to change the source after the course is already restored?

You can request a different course be restored into your new course shell. Please email the COTROnline help desk to make this request: cotronline@cotr.bc.ca

Please provide the Short Name and URL Link for both A) the newly created course shell and B) the course you want restored into that shell.

The following chapters of this book provide a step-by-step process for you to make sure your newly restored course is ready for the next semester.

Why not start fresh!?

You can request a blank course shell or our Universal Design for Learning Template for a fresh start. This can be a really good step to ensure all your course materials are the latest versions and there are no broken links or images.

Additionally, it provides an opportunity to re-think how you are using the online platform to support your course design.

We can help migrate certain content pieces from old courses to get you started. Please contact us directly to request a new course shell and get up and running for the new semester.

Course Settings

The following pages walk through the key Course Settings checks.

Once your course is restored, your first step is to open the course settings and confirm the following details:

Course Settings can be found via the Administration block > Course Administration >  Settings

Do not make changes to the following settings:

  • Course full name - please make name change requests to COTROnline
  • Course short name
  • Course category
  • Course ID number - do not change even if blank
Do not change the Course Name, Course Short Name, Course Category, or Course ID Number

Hide-Show Courses: The course will begin as 'hidden' - this hides the course from students.  Courses are automatically set to "show" by COTROnline for the first day of classes.
**You may choose to "show" your course early, but you must first confirm that the student enrollments have been processed and they match your student list in AccessCOTR.

Course Format: This setting relates to the sections display on your homepage - details on these settings are provided in the Course Start and End Dates chapter of this book. You must use the "Collapsed Topics" format and avoid changing this global structure. You can change the appearance of your sections within the "Collapsed Topics" structure.


Course Title and Short Name
  • Your course title and short-title are set with a particular format so any changes should be made via a request to COTROnline. 
  • You can confirm accuracy by looking for key signifiiers: 
    • Course Name
    • Mode of Delivery: F2F or OL, etc.
    • Semester: Winter 2024, or 2024WI, etc.
    • Instructor: Your Name or Initials (YN) etc.
Course Description/Summary

The course description > course summary field displays for students in their Course Dashboard, (see below). As such, it is really important that this information is up-to-date.

  • Even if you did not personally enter information here, it might be here from a previous copy of the course
  • You can opt to provide no description, but you might as well as it provides a useful touchstone for students

Displays location of course description on student dashboard.

We also encourage you to set a default course image, this helps differentiate your course from others in student course lists.

  • The default start date for COTROnline courses is the Monday of the first week of classes, regardless of the first day of the actual class. 
    • For example: your course starts on Wednesday September 3rd, the start date for the course will be Monday September 2nd.

  • This automatically populates your course with Mon-Sun weekly drop-down sections, labelled by the Mon-Fri dates of the week.
    • On a given week, the current section will be highlighted in green
    • **When you use the Collapsed Topics- Week (default) setting
      displays the collapsed-topics week-default setting

Default Course Format

The default format is "Collapsed Topics"
Please do not change this format.
Keeping all courses the same format helps maintain consistency for the student experience and our instructions are designed only for Collapsed Topics formatted courses.

Adding Additional Sections

e.g. assignment information, course policies, etc.

e.g.example of extra topics

There are two methods to approach additional topics in your course. 

Method 1: For using the "Week" Structure
  • Push the Start Date back one week for every extra topic (e.g. in the example above, the start date would be August 16, allowing three extra weeks to hold pre-course content)
example of course start and end dates
This will ensure your Sections are automatically given the correct dates
Method 2: Using the "Topic" Structure
  • Switch your Course format to "Topic". This removes the auto-date function from the weekly sections and allows you to add as many extra topics as you want. 
  • This turns off the 'active week' function and the auto-date function - you will have to label your weekly sections yourself.

Displays course format settings with a Topic structure

Ensure you have set your "Hidden Sections" setting to either:

  1. "Hidden Sections are shown as not available" - meaning they are listed on the course page along with their descriptions, but they are faded and the activity content is not available.
  2. "Hidden Sections are completely invisible" - meaning that they are completely hidden and unlisted on the course homepage.

For more detailed information on adjusting your Section Settings, see our Adding & Removing Sections help guide.

For detailed information on setting up your gradebook, please see our Gradebook section

Under Settings > Appearance, you can select whether or not to show the Gradebook to students.

Displays show gradebook dropdown options

The default should be set to Yes - your gradebook should be ready for student viewing by the first day of classes. 

If for any reason you will be making larger changes to the gradebook, you can temporarily switch this to No. However, you should inform students that you are hiding the gradebook so that they aren't wondering where it went!!

Course Welcome and Core Content

The “welcome” area at the top of your course page provides students with the most pertinent course information. You can also use section drop-downs or blocks as alternative layout ideas, so long as this information is still appearing near the top of your course page.

Requisite information includes:

  • Course Outline link
  • Instructor bio and contact information
  • Course Syllabus and other important course information

Optional content:

Your second step is to confirm the required default content is provided at the top of your course homepage.

There are three required components:

  • Course outlines are the College's contract with the students taking a course and were identified as a mandatory component of a course page (as per Doug McLachlan, VP Academic, 2014).

  • To avoid problems in the event of a grade challenge, the Evaluation and Assessment in the course outline should provide the basic structure for a course grade book.

  • The course outline is linked to the official version on SharePoint. If the link is broken, this is the URL https://outlines.cotr.bc.ca/pdf/courses/course-outline-AAAA-123-Fall-2024.pdf; update the highlighted part of the URL with the course ID information.
  • You can locate your Course Outline here: https://cotr.bc.ca/courses
  • The announcements forum appears automatically in all courses - it is a guaranteed mass-announcement tool which alerts students automatically
  • You are encouraged to leave it in place in the Welcome area, but if you have a clear alternative for announcements - ie. in Microsoft Teams or via Email you may consider one of the two following options:
  • To Hide when not in use;
    • move the element to the bottom of your course and hide it from students if you will not be using this forum to communicate with students
    • remove the block element from the course so it is not visible to students
  • To permanently remove:
    • go into your Settings and adjust course Appearance settings. 
    • set number of announcements available to 0
    • delete the element from your course
  • Instructor information including name, office hours, preferred contact methods and times, etc. are key elements of the course Welcome 
  • Ensure this information is up--to-date for the new semester, including any date or time changes
  • This is particularly important if you are changing instructors for a course! 

Location, Location, Location

  • Your instructor information should be presented in detail in a document format, whether a Moodle Page or Book element or an uploaded PDF. However, you can also display the essential elements of this info in short form in other locations on the course page.
  • See our "Meet your Instructor" block setup for more details.
  • Ensure the Course Syllabus is up-to-date and relevant to the course design you are presenting to students. 
  • You might want to create "Course Info" block or element that summarizes key highlights outside the core Syllabus document
    • ie. Class location or Teams link, class hours, short-link to syllabus document
  • Additionally, consider developing a virtual resource such as a Graphic Syllabus

See layout options for advanced Welcome formatting settings.

UDL Template and Accessibility

The following Articulate Rise courses are designed to help orient you to the UDL Template, why we are encouraging its use, and how to implement it for your courses.

Learn about the UDL Template

Detailed Lesson on Using the UDL Template

Instructions on checking your course web accessibility using the Accessibility Review Tool

Grade Book Essentials

Please see our Gradebook section for more details on setting up your Gradebook.

Gradebook Required Settings

  • The Categories should reflect the Evaluation and Assessment in the Course Outline.
  • Assignments can be combined under one general heading as can Exams providing the category value is equal to the value of the combined items  and the items within the category are weighted appropriately.
  • If Grade Book Categories are missing, directions for adding them can be found here
  • Totals should be out of 100.  Any other number means that students grades will be calculated as a percentage of the total (e.g.  a student earns 100% for a category, but if the total for the category is set to 40, the student will only be attributed 40% of their 100%).
  • Each Category, as well as the Course, should be set to Include empty grades.  This is the site standard; except in VERY particular circumstances, DO NOT change.
  • Include Empty Grades means that what students see at any given time is the grade they would get at that time, providing everything submitted has been marked 
Example outline categories Displays gradebook essential settings

Other Settings


Completion Tracking

When completion tracking is enabled, course content and assessments can be assigned completion conditions.

Shows completion tracking settings set to Yes

This is useful for ensuring students complete requisite materials. 
  • You can make the completion of one activity - for example, a course reading - a requirement in order to access a quiz.
  • Or you can make passing a quiz a requirement to view the next course section
  • etc.
Individual completion settings are set within each individual activity component.

When Show activity completion conditions is also set to Yes, students can see the course content and assignments they have completed as well as content and assignments that are incomplete, directly on the course homepage. 

e.g. Displays a variety of completion settings with some actions completed.

You can have completion tracking enabled, but set Show activity completion conditions to No.

Completion tracking settings, with show conditions set to No

This allows you to apply completion conditions to various course components without these conditions appearing on the course homepage for students.
The conditions will still show for students when they open the Activity itself.

Under your course admin is a Course Completion menu:

From this window, you can set completion settings and requirements for ALL ACTIVITIES in your course - or even to just apply to some activities and not others.

For example, to turn off activity completion on all elements. Select Bulk edit activity completion from the dropdown menu.


Groups & Groupings

Groups & Groupings

Set Default = No Groups

This is a global setting for your course. If you set this to Groups, then every activity you create in the course will automatically be assigned the same overall Group settings. Even assignments you don't need to be distributed by groups will be automatically grouped.

It is advisable that you apply group settings on a content-by-content basis, rather than globally to the course.

  • If Group Mode is set to anything else, change it to No Groups
    group settings with no groups
  • See our Groups page to learn about setting up Groups and Groupings within activities.
  • Use Restrictions based on Groups or Groupings to make items visible to only specific groups (e.g. if different sections have different due dates for an assignment, Duplicate the assignment, then for each copy set the specific dates and Restrict access to specific groups or groupings).
  • Create additional Groups and Groupings as appropriate for activities.

Default Grouping = None*

Similarly to Groups, this is a global setting for the course. Groupings create overarching categories that contain several groups.

The default of None will mean that all students can engage with material, regardless of group. You can then change the groupings default within content and assignments on a case-by-case basis.

  • Use Groupings to combine international and domestic sections (e.g. 01D and 01I).

  • Use Groupings to combine multiple course sections with same mode of delivery (e.g. OL01 and OL02).

Student Success and Academic Integrity Resources

You may opt to include a section which contains links to a set of Student Success and Academic Integrity books. 

These include: 

  • Studying Effectively
  • Library Sources, Resources, Tools & Tips
  • Writing a Research Paper
  • Exams, Quizzes, and Tests Info and Help

You might also add your own specific resources: 

Add resource links to your course

To add these to your course, please navigate to the Student Academic and Wellness Supports section of the Faculty Manual and either copy the links to each element in your course or backup and restore the whole section into your course.

Layout Options

To use this model, request access to the COTROnline Experience from the CITL. To simply use the drop-downs, see the Adding and Removing sections guide in the Faculty Help Manual.

Displays the COTROnline Experience module with a title banner and welcome content housed under drop-downs.

Displays a flat course welcome with content listed and not under section dropdowns.

To use this feature, see the Blocks information section of the Faculty Help Manual.

Displays instructor information and contact in a block placed in the left column of the screen.


What are Blocks?

Blocks are the various content objects which appear to the left of your course homepage (or below if viewing on a mobile screen). They can contain a variety of content but can also become very distracting. 

Required Blocks

Your course must show the following blocks:

  • Latest Announcements *required in top left
  • ILP Integration
  • Administration (not visible to students)

Note: as an instructor, you will always be able to see the Administration block, this is not visible to students.

Editing, moving, and removing Blocks

  • Turn Editing On
  • Remove blocks by selecting the options dropdown and "Delete Named Block"
    delete block path

  • Confirm the Latest Announcements block is at the top of the left-hand column. If it is not, use the following steps:
    • Block Settings > Configure Latest Announcements Block
    • Update Default Region and Region to:  Side Pre
    • Update Default Weight and Weight to:  -10
    • Save Changes

Other useful blocks

See our Adding & Removing Blocks book for more information on moving and configuring blocks.

  • Calendar - provides students an overview of their Moodle calendar from their dashboard
  • Respondus Lockdown Browser - not visible to students - allows instructor to apply browser lock-down settings to a Quiz
  • Text - This is an open block - edit the settings to add your own text of any kind (i.e. links to course resources).

Meet Your Instructor Block

Forthcoming - see UDL template details on Humanizing your Course Homepage for now.