Gradebook Setup Guide
Site: | College of the Rockies - Online |
Course: | COTROnline Faculty Help Manual |
Book: | Gradebook Setup Guide |
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Date: | Wednesday, 22 January 2025, 4:26 PM |
Last updated Nov 2023
Gradebook Guide Overview
This Gradebook Guide covers the following key Gradebook elements:
- Locating the Gradebook
- Gradebook Layout and Glossary
- Category Weights and Calculating Total Grades
->Advanced Grade Category Calculations - Letter Grades and Grade Scale Settings
- Creating Grade Items
- Hiding and Showing Grades
- Navigating Student Questions and Editing Student View
Locating the Gradebook
Two Ways to Access the Gradebook
1. From Course Administration
- Select Gradebook setup from the Course administration menu
2. Via Course Management
- Select the Course Management tool from the top right
- From the Menu window, select Grades
- From the Grade Administration menu, select Setup->Gradebook Setup
Gradebook Layout and Glossary
View the full glossary of terms
The gradebook setup layout presents all of the course graded components, their relative weight in the course, and various calculation settings. It allows you to move grade items around, create categories, and even create grade items.
The image below displays the core components and their names. You can learn more about each component in the glossary of terms.
Parent Category = Course Total
The topmost category will always be your course name and title. All of your content will fall under this parent category and this is the category which calculates the final grade for the course.
Grade Category = Course Outline Categories
The second tier of category will always be the grade categories that match your COTR approved Course Outline.
Note: You can have third and fourth tiers of grade categories beneath these first two that are entirely up to you, but the first two levels must always be 1) the Course Total category and 2) the Course Outline categories.
Grade Item
The Grade Items are the individually graded course assessments. These are generally pre-filled when you create the assessment dropbox, forum, quiz, etc. in your Course Homepage. You can also manually add grade items via the Gradebook Setup.
Category Weight
The Category Weight represents two calculations:
- The proportion of the Parent Category Total (or Final Grade) - the sum of the Category Weights should equal 100
- The total of all the Grades received within the Category
Item Weight
The Grade Item Weight is the share of the Category Weight that a single grade item is worth. These are calculated as a Weighted Mean of Grades. There are several ways to enter these weights which are discussed in Chapter 3.
Max Grade
The Max Grade represents the actual max point score students can receive on any given assessment. This is only editable from within the assessment itself. For example, if your exam is graded out of 60 marks, the Max Grade will be 60.
This may be identical to the Grade Item Weight, or it may be different.
Weighted Mean of Grades
The total of any grade category, including the Parent Category and Course Total, are calculated using a Weighted Mean of Grades score.
\( \frac{sum of all weighted scores}{div sum of all weights} \)
Category Weights and Calculating Total Grades
Gradebook Required Settings
- Check Grade Book Categories match Course Outline
- Check Category & Course Totals = 100
- Include Empty Grades
Weighted Mean Calculations
Understanding Category Weights and Grade Calculations
Grade Categories are calculated using a Weighted Mean of Grades.
- Each Grade Category has its own total Weight.
- Each Grade Item within that total Weight contributes a share of that total Weight.
- The calculation takes the sum total of all given Grade Item Weights and divides it by the sum total of all Grade Item Weights.
\( \frac{sum of all weighted scores}{sum of all weights} \)
Grade Item Weights as a Sum Total
Here, the individual Grade Item Weights add up exactly to 40.0 - which is the Category Weight. If a student scores 100 on all assignments, they would receive 100% of 40.
Sum of all weighted scores = 40
Sum of all weights = 40
\( \frac{40}{40} = 100% \)
e.g. A student scores 8/10, 9/10, and 86/100. This results in weighted scores of 6.4/8, 7.2/8, and 20.64/24. \( \frac{6.4+7.2+20.64}{8+8+24} = \frac{34.24}{40} = 85.6% \) AND \( 0.856 \times 40 = 34.24 \)
Grade Item Weights as a Percentage
Here, the individual Grade Item Weights add up exactly to 100 - which is 100% of the Category Weight. If a student scores 100 on all assignments, they would receive 100% of 40.
Sum of all weighted scores = 100
Sum of all weights = 100
\( \frac{100}{100} = 100% \)
e.g. A student scores 8/10, 9/10, and 86/100. This results in weighted scores of16/20, 18/20, and 51.6/60. \( \frac{16+18+51.6}{20+20+60} = \frac{85.6}{100} = 85.6% \) AND \( 0.856 \times 40 = 34.24 \)
Grade Item Weights as a Ratio
Here, the individual Grade Item Weights are calculated as a ratio share of the total weight - adding up to a total of 5. This translates to a percentage share of the Category Weight. If a student scores 100 on all assignments, they would receive 100% of 40.
Sum of all weighted scores = 5
Sum of all weights = 5
\( \frac{5}{5} = 100% \)
e.g. A student scores 8/10, 9/10, and 86/100. This results in weighted scores of 0.8/1, 0.9/1, and 2.58/3. \( \frac{0.8+0.9+2.58}{1+1+3} = \frac{4.28}{5} = 85.6% \) AND \( 0.856 \times 40 = 34.24\)
Items Not Counted Toward Final Grade
When you create Formative Assessments, which receive grades and feedback, Moodle will automatically populate these grade items in the gradebook.
In order to remove them from the overall grade calculation:
- Create a Grade Category with the name: Not Counted Toward Final Grade
- Set the Category Weight to 0.00
- Place all assessments that do not contribute to the Final Grade under the new Grade Category, it doesn't matter what they are scored out of or what weights they are given.
Why does this work?
The Course Total is a weighted mean of grades, just like the various Grade Categories that make up the Gradebook.
If you have three graded sections with weights that equal 100, plus a section weighted at 0, the total is still 100.
- Discussions = 40
- Assignments = 30
- Exams = 30
- Not Counted Toward Final Grade = 0
- TOTAL = 100
No matter what score a student receives underneath the 0.0 parent category, they are still just receiving a percentage of 0.0. Which is 0.0.
Applying Groups and Groupings
The Moodle Gradebook does not allow for setting visibilities based on Group membership. This means that all Activities will populate the Gradebook for all students.
In order to calculate the grades correctly, we need to drop assessments for some groupings of students and add assessments for some groupings of students.
To do this we need to create more Grade Categories.
Option 1: Two different submissions within same Grade Category
This applies where the students are submitting different types of assessments but they are contributing the same overall Category Weight:
e.g. The face-to-face students are graded on in-class participation, which is entered via a direct entry grade item. While the online students are graded for participation in a Forum discussion. Participation for both groups is weighted at 15% of their total grade.
- Navigate to the Gradebook Setup
- Select "Add Category"
- Name the Category clearly delineating by group (e.g. "In-Class Participation" or "Online Forum Participation")
- Under the Parent Category dropdown, select the overall Parent Category (e.g. Participation)
- Save Changes
- Move the relevant grade items under the newly created Grade Category
- Set the new Category Weight to 100.0
- Save Changes
- Navigate to the Parent Category ("Participation") and select the Edit Dropdown > Edit Settings
- Select "Show More" under the Grade Category dropdown
- Enter [1] into the Drop the lowest field
- Save Changes
Why does this work?
The Parent Category "Participation" is still worth 15% of the Total Grade. But when it calculates the weighted mean of grades beneath it, it only looks at the two Category Weights of "In-Class Participation" and "Online Forum Participation".
Each of these are worth 100% of 15 so together would each be 50% of the grade category.
But the calculation also drops the lowest grade - which will be a zero - leaving only the single category remaining, still worth 100% of the parent grade.
Letter Grades and Grade Scale Settings
Because each program has different grade boundaries for their letter grades, letter grades must be set up for each individual course.
- Start with Course Administration
- Open the Course Outline and find the Course Grades. This is where the percentage boundaries for letter grades are detailed:
- Click on the Gradebook Setup, then the Letters tab:
- If the Lowest/Highest percentages match the Course Grades, then nothing further needs done
- If the Lowest/Highest percentages don't match the Course Grades, then click Edit Grade Letters
- Select/Check Override Site Defaults
- Starting at the top of the table, enter the lowest number from the Course Outline Course Grade Table beside each letter. Use "0" next to your lowest grade letter.
- Save Changes
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Creating Grade Items
Most often, Grade Items are produced via the Assessment Activity when it is initially created in the Course Homepage.
Activity-Based Gradebook Settings
To change these settings, select the linked item name from the gradebook. This will open the Activity Settings for the selected Assignment, Quiz, Forum, or other Activity.
Assignment Gradebook Settings
Quiz Gradebook Settings
Forum Gradebook Settings
Direct Gradebook entry of Grade Items
In some circumstances, you may need to create your own gradebook item. For example, an activity held in-person or a paper submitted directly in class.
To add a Grade Item,
- Select Add Grade Item button:
- Set the Grade Category and the Item Weight - located under the Parent category dropdown
Hiding and Showing Grades
!!Remember to ensure your Gradebook is Visible to Students!!
Course Administration --> Settings --> Appearance --> Show gradebook to students = Yes
Hide and Show Grades via the Gradebook Setup
- Hidden elements will be highlighted in blue
- You can release a hidden grade to students by selecting “Show”
Hide and Show Quiz Grades in Quiz Settings
- The Quiz MUST be visible on the course homepage and NOT HIDDEN from students
- "Marks" MUST be ticked in the correct Review Category
- If your Quiz has a "Close" date:
- The Quiz "Close" date MUST be active and this date MUST be passed.
- "Marks" MUST be ticked in the "After the quiz is closed category"
- If your Quiz does not have a "Close" date:
- "Marks" MUST be ticked in one of "Immediately After" or "Later" review categories
- If your Quiz has a "Close" date:
- The Gradebook and Gradebook Category MUST be visible in the Gradebook
Hide/Show in Grader Report
There are various locations to hide and show grades. One common location is in the Grader Report.
- You can set an entire grade category to hide or show for all students in the grader report
- You can set a grade item to hide or show for all students in the grader report (except for Quizzes)
- And you can set each student's view of a grade item to hide or show in the grader report
- As with the Gradebook - hidden titles will appear in a blue colour.
Editing the Student View
The student view of the gradebook is different to the Instructor view.
To edit the student view default settings - see below.
Addressing Student Questions about Gradebook
You can direct your students to the following guidance via the Student Help Manual Gradebook Explained guide
To access the course Gradebook, students must open their course page.
They need to navigate to the Dashboard icon (found to the top right of the page in the course banner) and open the student Dashboard.
This will open the Dashboard from which students can view assignments and other activities as well as open the Gradebook:
They can then select "Grades" option from the bottom three panels.
You can direct your students to the following guidance via the Student Help Manual Gradebook Explained guide.
The User Report view of the Gradebook has defaults set to look as follows:
Note: Hidden activities do not appear in the student gradebook view.
Default Settings:
If an Activity has been marked, students will see the grade for that item as both a Mark/Grade and a Percentage along with any Feedback provided.
- The Grade is the actual mark you received based upon the assignment's weight in the course.
- If you received an 80% on an assignment worth 10% of your total grade, it will read 8.00.
- If you received 65% on a 25% assignment, it will read 15.5. (15.5/25=65%).
- The Percentage is the percent score your received for the assessment.
- 80% and 65%, respectively
- Neither of these necessarily represent the actual score you received on the assessment.
- Your 10% assignment might have been graded out of 20points, so your score was actually 16 (16/20=80%).
- If your 25% assignment was graded out of 50, you would have a score of 31. (32.5/50=65%).
- The Category Total is the percent scored for the whole of that given category. It is not your entire grade and Categories should not be assumed to be equal.
- Referring to the example Course Outline Evaluation and Assessment breakdown shown below, the weekly activities total up to 50% of the total course grade while the Assignment category is only 20%.
- A score of 80% on the Category Total for Weekly Activities equals a 40% contribution to your Total Course Grade.
- Course Total appears at the very bottom of your gradebook and tells you the total percentage grade you have achieved in the course at a given time.
Editing the User Report / Student View
Aside from the show/hide Aggregation settings, all User Report settings are found under Grade Administration -> Setup -> Course grade settings
1. Show/Hide Category Aggregation
Caution: Do not remove the Course Total Aggregation Line from the Student View. You can explain to students that their final aggregation includes incomplete assessments and non-entered grades, so it will appear lower earlier in the semester.
You can remove the various Category Aggregation lines from your gradebook by using the hide/show function.
- Navigate to the Aggregation you wish to remove from view.
- From the edit dropdown, select "Hide"
- A hidden aggregation line will appear in blue on the Gradebook Setup page.
2. Grade Item Display Settings
First navigate to the Course grade settings page.
There are several modes of displaying your grades to students, the COTROnline default is "Real".
Real - the point score value of the grade out of the grade weight or scale. (ie. 19.50 - out of an item weighted at 25)
Percentage - the percent of the grade weight achieved (ie. 78.00%)
Letter - the letter grade based upon your course letter scale (ie. B+)
Combinations Look as Follows:
Real (percentage) = 19.50 (78.00%)
Percentage (letter) = 78.00% (B+)
Letter (real) = B+ (19.50)
3. Show/Hide Percentage Column
The default establishes a separate column to display the percentage achieved on the grade item. When using any combination involving Percentage in your grade display type, you will want to turn off this column.
Under Course grade settings -> User report, set Show percentage to Hide.
4. Display Course Average to Students
To add the course average to your gradebook, you can set the course average to show. The default setting is hide.
Caution: In small course numbers, students can fairly easily calculate their fellow student's grades from this average.
The Average will display in whatever format was selected for the Grade Item display type.