Plagiarism & Copying - Help Identifying

Site: College of the Rockies - Online
Course: COTROnline Faculty Help Manual
Book: Plagiarism & Copying - Help Identifying
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Date: Wednesday, 22 January 2025, 4:26 PM

Word - Ownership Properties

If the student is on a computer that someone else logged into, then anything created and/or modified will automatically have the other computer owner’s information attached. 

It is possible to change the author:

Word Author

But, if you go to File and check the document properties, they still show the computer “owner” as the last modifier regardless of whether or not, the author has been changed:

Word Properties

There isn't a definitive way to tell who actually wrote a paper based on the computer assigned properties.

Excel Properties

Ownership properties displayed are dependent on the computer's ownership and/or login, not necessarily on who created the file - see Word - Ownership Properties for details.

Date created/modified can vary depending on how you check and how the file was created.

To explore this, open Excel on the desktop

  1. Right-click on the Desktop
  2. Select New
  3. Select Excel:

  1. Right-click on the document
  2. Go to Properties:

  1. Check the Created and Modified dates:

Excel Properties

  1. Open the same file from wherever it was saved
  2. Click on File in the top left of the page
  3. Check the Created and Modified dates:

Excel Properties

  1. Open another Excel file using the Excel icon or from the File Manager and check the Related Dates and Related People - note, the information can vary considerably:

Excel Properties

Excel Properties