Using Video - Why & How

Site: College of the Rockies - Online
Course: COTROnline Faculty Help Manual
Book: Using Video - Why & How
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Date: Wednesday, 22 January 2025, 4:07 PM

Why Use Video?


  • reaches students with a variety of learning styles, especially visual learners, and students with a variety of information acquisition styles
  • facilitates creative thinking and problem-solving, particularly when students are the creators
  • engages and inspires students by increasing motivation, enhancing the learning experience, and encouraging learner autonomy
  • helps students practice media literacy and critical viewing skills
  • is a great source of information
  • can be used to introduce different perspectives on a topic
  • provides a common experience to stimulate discussions
  • brings the outside world into the classroom
  • is a good alternative to a field trip, when a field trip is not feasible
  • provides a model for learners to emulate
  • assists with learning mastery
  • allows students to visualize complex concepts that are otherwise difficult to grasp
  • can be accessed outside class time, referred back to after-the-face
  • makes learning more personalized because students can view a video at their own pace, review material that they find difficult, and skip information they understand
  • improves recall
  • increases accessibility for students with special needs

How to Use Video Effectively

  • create micro-lectures focusing on specific topics using webcam, microphone, and/or screen capture
  • provide supplemental materials to reinforce ideas raised in videos, or present alternate viewpoints
  • use pre-questions to stimulate interest and help students focus on key points in a video
  • use post-questions to focus discussion and determine what students have learnt
  • check understanding - quizzes can be embedded into the quiz or added after
  • keep videos short - 2 to 5 minutes, or less is ideal
  • use embedded quiz questions to make longer videos more interactive
  • provide transcripts; if they are downloadable, then students can make notes
  • pay attention to file size; not all students have high-speed internet connections
  • create playlists
  • use video assignments in place of the more traditional essay
  • have students submit videos demonstrating mastery of specific skills
  • have students create video presentations to share with classmates

Kaltura Capture for Creating Videos

Kaltura Capture allows you to record audio and video and has some nice options, such as  a whiteboard that can be opened at any point during a recording, that can be used to make your recording more effective. 

If you are recording a PowerPoint presentation, chapters will automatically be generated in your video based on your PowerPoint slides, allowing viewers to jump to specific parts of a presentation.

You can use the Kaltura Capture option to record your screen and/or webcam for a presentation.  Royal Roads University has provided a fairly comprehensive set of instructions for using Kaltura Capture

  • Kaltura Capture is available to both faculty and students to download to their personal PC or Mac for use when creating screen capture and web-cam recordings. The application is expected to be installed on all college computers in time for the start of September, but you can install it prior to that date if needed.
  • Built in drawing and annotation tools can be used to enhance your recordings. Kaltura Capture adds a whiteboard to this set of tools
  • Simple editing tools can be used, once the recording has been saved to your My Media, to insert supplemental material, remove errors or select pertinent information.

The following lists the minimum hardware and software requirements for Kaltura Personal Capture.

Hardware / Software

Operating System

  • Windows 7 -10 (64 bit) and above 
  • MAC -10.10-10.13




1 GB min available


Minimum of Intel i5 


Intel Quick Sync

Uses to support teaching & learning:

  • Make step-by-step tutorials
  • Record instructional presentations on specific topics
  • Demonstrate or explain a process, task, or solve a problem
  • Student presentations

For best results:

    • Identify your goals
    • Create a script and/or storyboard
    • Prepare visuals and other supporting materials
    • Consider time requirements - you may want to record longer, more complex processes as a series of smaller chunks
    • Consider space requirements - are you recording at your desk or do you need to be in a lab, shop, or other physical space
    • Rehearse to identify potential problems
Record the video / audio
    • Schedule uninterrupted time in a quiet location
    • Tidy up - hide or shutdown all unnecessary programs, toolbars, etc., ensure pop-ups (e.g. calendar reminders, email or Skype notifications) are turned off
    • Use the best microphone available
    • Record in segments, saving as you go along. That way, it is easier to re-record a small portion if there is an error.
    • Use a script
    • Speak clearly and concisely as if you were presenting directly to a class of students.
    • Avoid quick changes or jerky movements; in particular, move the mouse methodically.
    • Make sure relevant text is readable.
    • Use the trim and chop features as needed
    • Upload attachments and/or captions
    • Use the Timeline to create chapters to aid navigation and slides with supporting materials
    • Use the quiz option to make the video more interactive

Annotating & Editing Videos

Enhance the video

  • Change the video's name, add a description or tags
  • Add attachments
  • Add captions
  • Set up chapters or add information slides

Insert Video into Your Course

Using the Kaltura option to add video:

Using Ensemble videos (documentation courtesy of Susan Uswak)

Uploading Ensemble Lecture Capture Video

To upload a video from Ensemble to your COTROnline Course

Ensemble is where your video captures will be ‘stored’ until as an Instructor, you upload them to your COTROnline (Moodle) course.

Keep in mind that once you delete a video capture from Ensemble it is gone forever; there is no way to get it back.

If you want to have long term access to a recording, save a copy to Kaltura. Please contact the COTROnline Help Desk if you need help doing this.

Steps for uploading to your course:
  • Go to the Ensemble website (Suggest you bookmark this site)
  • Log in with your ENSEMBLE username and password
    (Contact Nathon Hall, or local 3296 for your USERNAME and PASSWORD)
  • Once you are successfully logged in, you should see your first name in the upper right corner.
  • You will see a list of your video recordings once you are in.
  • It should say ‘not published’ under the videos once they are there.
  • GOAL: You need to get these changed from not published to published then moved into Moodle!
  • Once you are in ENSEMBLE and see your video images.
  • Click ‘publish’ once beside the first video you want to move over to COTROnline ( It will be displayed between the edit and and delete button. DO NOT DELETE. You want to publish the video. It will take you to a new page.
  • Click ‘publish’ again. You will see a single green colored ‘publish’ button in the bottom right corner. Click that button.
  • Next you click the ‘permalink’ button. (You will find that beside the video after the download and embed link) It takes you to a new page that displays the link in a box at the top of the page.
  • Select and copy the URL from the box and then paste it into a URL where you want it in your COTROnline (Moodle) course.
  • Open COTROnline (Moodle) to your course and where you want to post the video.
  • Click Add a URL resource.
  • The next steps are the same as you did under the previous system.
  • In the URL resource external link box, paste the link.
  • Name the resource.
  • Save.

Unknown Library

You encounter ‘Unknown’ library on our lecture recording server, https:\\, when a recording doesn’t match a class rule, ends up in the Unknown Library.

You can copy a file from the Unknown Library to your own library, rename it, and then it is yours.

This is handy if you want to record a ‘spur of the moment’ video without an irritating delay waiting for Media Services to process it for you.

Important rules for the Unknown (library):
  • Don’t leave your recording there. If we (adminstrators) see a recording that’s several weeks old, it means nobody wants it and w will remove it when we purge the library periodically.
  • Don’t publish a recording from the Unknown library. Your link on Moodle will be useless after a purge.
  • Don’t ‘share’ a recording from the Unknown library. When the original file is gone, a shared link is broken.
  • DO copy the recording to your own library. This creates an entirely new file under your exclusive control. If it is a recording you want long term access to, save a copy to Kaltura. Please contact the COTROnline Help Desk if you need help doing this.
  • DO delete your recordings from Unknown once you’re sure you have a copy.

NOTE: All instructors have access to the Unknown library. They can view/edit/delete/copy any recordings within.

To save a unscheduled recording located in the Unknown Library
  1. Find your recording soon after creating it
  2. Copy it to your own library
  3. Delete it from the Unknown Library.

If you have questions about how this works or encounter problems, please contact:

Nathon Hall, Media Services Supervisor

Office: 250.489.8296 Cell: 250.421.0108

Uploading a Teams/Zoom Video

  1. Go to wherever your Teams/Zoom video saves, for Teams you will need to log into your Microsoft college account.

  2. Download the video to your local computer.

  3. In your course, open Kaltura My Media, then under the Add New, select Media Upload (full directions can be found here)

Student Video/Audio Assignments

Adding the Kaltura Media Assignment is much like adding any other activity to your course except it allows students to upload a media file of up to 2 GB:


  1. Turn Editing On
  2. Go to the topic/week you want the assignment to appear in
  3. Click Add An Activity or Resource 
  4. Select the Kaltura Media Assignment:

add a Kaltura Media Assignment activity


  1. Set the assignment criteria; we highly recommend you make the due date / time sometime between 8:30 am and 5 pm MT Monday – Thursday, 8:30 am and 4 pm on Friday, so there is someone to help students if needed.


Directions for students can be found here   We recommend you add the following to the end of your assignment description, so your students have directions for uploading their videos AND know who to contact if they encounter problems:

Click here for directions on uploading your file submission.  If you have any problems, please contact the COTROnline Help Desk well before the assignment is due.   or 250-489-2751 extension 3737   or room 109, Inspire Centre, Kootenay Centre, Cranbrook Campus.

Video Quizzes

Why use quizzes with videos?

  • increase engagement
  • enable measurement - pre & post video knowledge; understanding of content
  • encourage learners to think about the content
  • improve learning outcomes
  • solicit feedback on the video
  • add interactivity when embedded within the video

Embedding quizzes within a video:

NOTE: this sample video quiz will only work once per user

Kaltura Guide to Creating Interactive Video Quizzes

Royal Roads Guide to Creating Interactive Video Quizzes

Video Presentation

The Kaltura Video Presentation allows you to display and synchronize videos and document files side-by-side to provide students with a more complete learning experience.

For directions on using the Kaltura Video Presentation feature, check out the Kaltura Presentation Guide created by Royal Roads University

Additional References & Resources

Benefits of Using Educational Video in The Classroom.  Zane Education.

Crockett, L. W. (May 21, 2016). Smart Strategies for Using Video in the Classroom.  Global Digital

Education videos: Ten ways to use them well (2010). BBC Active.

Pedagogical benefits. University of Queensland. Institute of Teaching and Learning Innovation.

Why Use Media to Enhance Teaching and Learning (2012). Pedagogy in Action: The SERC Portal for Educators.

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... Learning Outcomes and Assessment in Online Learning

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