Sample Kaltura Media Assignment
Completion requirements
Receive a grade
A media assignment involves you creating an audio or video file using your cell phone or a digital camera, then uploading it to your course website on College of the Rockies Online Moodle platform.
For a list of acceptable file formats, check here
Directions for completing an assignment will be found here, so make sure you read the directions carefully.
If you have a slow internet connection and your file is large, please be patient; uploads can take up to an hour and sometimes longer.
Check here for help completing this assignment
Take a video of your favourite place or a pet and upload it here.
Files uploaded here won't be actively shared with anyone, though if you have logged in as Special Guest, someone else using the same login will be able to see your file.
Available from: Thursday, 4 January 2024, 12:05 AM
Due Date: Tuesday, 4 March 2025, 10:55 PM