Contacting COTROnline
The following advice should help you get the best result from an attempt to contact COTROnline. Before you contact us, make sure to review our Who to ask for Help guide to determine you are contacting the correct Help Desk!
For an email, please provide a clear subject description that contains the issue area (ie. Forum post, Video upload, Broken link, Account Login, etc.)
Please begin the body of the email or Teams message by providing your Name and Student ID.
Provide the Course Name and preferably the Course Code (ie. COTR 101) where you are experiencing the issue.
If the issue pertains to a specific assignment, provide the title of the assignment or resource and preferably a link to the assignment or resource in your course.
By Email or Microsoft Teams
For an email, please provide a clear subject description that contains the issue area (ie. Forum post, Video upload, Broken link, Account Login, etc.)
Please begin the body of the email or Teams message by providing your Name and Student ID number (C0123456).
Provide the Course Name and preferably the Course Code (ie. COTR 101) where you are experiencing the issue.
If the issue pertains to a specific assignment, provide the title of the assignment or resource and preferably a link to the assignment or resource in your course.
If there has been an error message, note the error code and text.
Before you call, please prepare the following information:
Your Full Name and Student ID number (C0123456).
Prepare a clear description of the problem that highlights the issue area (ie. Forum post, Video upload, Broken link, Account Login, etc.). You will likely be asked to clarify the area of the problem immediately. This is for call-transfer purposes. If your concern is deemed to be a matter for a different department you will be forwarded immediately.
The Course Name and Course Code (ie. COTR 101) where you are experiencing the issue and the title of the assignment or resourcein your course, if applicable.
If there has been an error message, note the error code and text.
By Phone
Before you call, please prepare the following information:
Your Full Name and Student ID number (C0123456).
Prepare a clear description of the problem that highlights the issue area (ie. Forum post, Video upload, Broken link, Account Login, etc.). You will likely be asked to clarify the area of the problem immediately. This is for call-transfer purposes. If your concern is deemed to be a matter for a different department you will be forwarded immediately.
The Course Name and Course Code (ie. COTR 101) where you are experiencing the issue and the title of the assignment or resourcein your course, if applicable.
If there has been an error message, note the error code and text.
Before visiting, please prepare the following information:
Your Full Name and Student ID number (C0123456).
Prepare a clear description of the problem that highlights the issue area (ie. Forum post, Video upload, Broken link, Account Login, etc.). You will likely be asked to clarify the area of the problem immediately. This is for call-transfer purposes. If your concern is deemed to be a matter for a different department you will be redirected with assistance.
The Course Name and Course Code (ie. COTR 101) where you are experiencing the issue and the title of the assignment or resourcein your course, if applicable.
If there has been an error message, note the error code and text.
In Person
Before visiting, please be prepared to offer the following information:
Your Full Name and Student ID number (C0123456).
Prepare a clear description of the problem that highlights the issue area (ie. Forum post, Video upload, Broken link, Account Login, etc.). You will likely be asked to clarify the area of the problem immediately. If your concern is deemed to be a matter for a different department you will be redirected with assistance.
The Course Name and Course Code (ie. COTR 101) where you are experiencing the issue and the title of the assignment or resourcein your course, if applicable.
If there has been an error message, note the error code and text.
Bring your device with you! Often when there is a device-specific error such as a Browser setting, cookies, web-access, etc. we can help best by seeing the issue first hand.
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